Is this from dota 2 or something? You looka lika dota 2 playa
Is this from dota 2 or something? You looka lika dota 2 playa
Takes 7 years to get drawn, is drawn fat and gross, I'll take it I guess, and you spelled your name wrong in your tags
Wait a second, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but how does his water body mix with technology? I like the drawing though.
#doggone #barkbarkbark #bowwowwow #did she have a collar? #I like this drawing #5 stars for Roxy
This reminds me of that great holiday song DING DONG DING DONG!! Also, check your hashtag spelling #learn to spell #.5 stars
Yarhar avast ye mateys!
yar har.
For a second I thought the bong was a gun, actually which is it? It would be cooler if it was a gun, anyway, if you were pointing the gun closer to your head and had degeneracy near it would be a cool social commentary on how degeneracy will kill us all one day. Other than that, good artwork!
Bullshit they took you off the art portal, this is definitely one of your better drawings, good job!
CRAY YAY YAY YAY YAZY CAR!!! CRAZY CAR!!! I think you really got her last few seconds of life, I'm sure this is exactly what happened.
Good drawing, but this makes you look 50 pounds heavier than you actually are
Joined on 1/27/13